How to perform JAI Stretch
The JAI Stretch is a simple exercise to perform. It's like a lighter, more abbreviated version of the Tension Stretch. This stretch is best performed with the penis in a flaccid state. Due to its nature it can be performed when limited time is available. This makes it excellent for an abbreviated or maintenance routines.
The JAI Stretch is performed as follows:
Step 1: Gently stretch your penis and hold for two seconds.
Step 2: While still holding the penis, release the stretch for two seconds.
Step 3: Repeat steps two and three until you reach desired number of reps.
Tips for the JAI Stretch:
Pattern Your Breathing. A great way to get rid of the tedious second counting is to pattern your breathing with your stretch. Do this by exhaling for the two seconds you are pulling out, and inhaling for the two second resting period—or vice versa.
Pull Gently. The goal is to perform a very light, quick stretch; lasting approximately two seconds. You don’t want to pull as hard as you do with the Basic Stretch. If you pull too hard, or for too long, the JAI stretches won’t be effective.
The recommended beginning repetition count for this exercise is 20.
The JAI Stretch Video